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Metaphysical Talk

The heart is a portal.

Hello friends! I hope you all are well and safe. I am going to talk on the subject of the heart as an energetic portal. Specifically, I'm sharing about my recent experience dropping into my heart center to connect with Spirit, and then a little bit about manifestation. If I haven't mentioned previously, I have long been interested in the area of psychic mediumship. Ok, more than interested. I have always leaned towards the metaphysical and spiritual world and have always wanted to speak with loved one's who have crossed over.

All throughout my life I have experienced synchronicities and moments of being open enough to receive intuitive/psychic information. Examples are: thinking of a friend I haven't spoken to in a while and when picking up the receiver (yes, I am an 80's baby, so we had landlines) this friend was already there on the line. The phone hadn't even ringed (rung?). Another example is knowing when someone has driven up the driveway while in the shower and knowing who that person is when it wasn't a regular occurrence for them to be there. Or dreaming about a couple and one of those friend's having a heart attack only to find out later the next day that this couple had split up and ultimately divorced (heart broken - metaphorically speaking). And, receiving a visit in a dream from a deceased friend on the anniversary of their death, even though I still to this day couldn't tell you that date (I had found out that morning after the dream that it was the date of their passing via Facebook). I could go on, but these are just a few examples. My mom has had these types of experiences too, and one of her cousins is a medium.

Image by Darkmoon_Art

Three days ago I was sitting at my favorite spot in town - the pond - and taking a moment to ground and center. I have been doing a lot of that this summer. While sitting at the pond the breeze began to blow and the three huge trees with their draping branches began to rustle. Like they were talking. The wind gave the trees a voice and I looked up and had this awareness like nothing I have felt before of each individual leaf speaking at once. It left like this clear connection to the trees and my heart felt open and overflowing with joy and wonder.

That was the moment that dropped me into my heart space where all of a sudden it felt like a portal opening within me. I know for many this can sound cheesy, but to experience it, it is most definitely not cheesy! I was connected with my own spirit and then that feeling of connection spiraled outward. Like experiencing limitlessness. At first it was like this new connection was cutting in and out, like the connection of an older TV, or cell phone signal for you younger folks. But then it evened out and I could maintain it for longer and longer. Granted, I am still growing that connection, but it does take practice.

I left the pond shortly after and went home to have lunch and meditate before needing to pick my kiddo up from his summer program. I was feeling incredible. Peaceful. Overjoyed. I was in a great space to enter into meditation, and so I did. The practice that I have been doing for a couple years now to strengthen my psychic mediumship gifts is listening to Tony Stockwell's 'Sitting in the Power' meditation. I believe all professional readers call it Sitting in the Power when they are channeling or connecting in with Spirit. Anyway, I first did Tony's 'Sitting in the Power' and then his meditation called 'The Call to Prayer.' It was so profound that I had tears streaming down my face. I dropped into my heart center and from there I connected with my spirit self. My infinite self. The meditation guided me to connect with the Spirit world and guides there. Now, I have done this practice before but...this was on another level! I felt like something new awoke in me and/or leveled up.

Image by geralt.

Our bodies and consciousness know, intuitively, when something is right or true, and what isn't. That's why we have physical reactions to events, information, or people we come across. That's why I had tears streaming down my face throughout the whole meditation. I knew I was truly in this space of connectedness and receiving healing. It's a knowing. At a couple different points during the meditation I was left almost awe struck because of how I was feeling. I urge anyone who is interested in mediumship to listen to Tony's guided mediations. You can find him on YouTube.

I also want to mention that when we operate from a heart centered place, we see more clearly and things don't bother us as they used to. You are coming from a place of compassion and acceptance. I'm not saying you aren't going to feel other emotions or get frustrated etc. But, you are more peaceful overall. Now, every time I drop down into my heart center and view things from that perspective, I feel so much more capable of handling what life throws my way.

Another thing this is tied to is manifestation. How you ask? Because, when our nervous system is regulated we open more parts of ourselves up to receive and heal through our subconscious minds (not to mention the overall health benefits of lowering cortisol levels). Stress and high cortisol levels cloud out and block our minds and neural pathways, making it more difficult to tap into our subconscious minds to heal traumas and old wounds and conditioning. It's important for us to be able to heal those aspects so we can step more into our self worth, into our joy and whole, authentic selves which makes it easier to manifest the life and things we want in this life. If we are stressed it limits us, and then manifestation isn't going to happen, or at least make it really difficult.

I have done a lot of work on healing myself, getting my stress under control, and grounding. I love to spend a lot of time in nature and in water. I think because I have been grounding myself at the pond so much and spending a lot of time in the water, I have raised my vibration to the point of being able to tap into this heart portal the way I have and connected more with Spirit - which is something I have been wanting to manifest. It's exciting!! Another part of this manifestation I have been calling in is taking a class through Arthur Findlay College. Guess what? I have a class through AFC in August!! Woot woot! My expander for this specific manifestation is Taylor Paige. She is amazing and you should check out her podcast.

Ok, friends. This is all for now. I hope you are able to find the joy in each day. Be safe. Lots of love to you.

Until next time...


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