Nice To Meet You
Introduction to my blog.
Oh, hello there! My name is Brandy. I live in New England in the US. I'm a mom, and my son is beautiful, smart, loving, full of energy, and intuitive. I myself have always been a bit intuitive and I have been honing my natural gifts as of late. I love nature and living in the countryside. As a water sign (hello fellow Scorpio's) I am most at peace and replenished when I am near water, or in it. It's essential.
As I am sure you have deduced, I enjoy writing! I think this blog has been the next step for me for a while now. It was time to rip off that proverbial Band Aid. For as long as I can remember, I have always journaled. Right now I have three different journals: an everyday journal, dream journal, and one for my healing journey.

Photo by me.
The Healing Journey
Throughout this blog I will be sharing about the healing journey I have been on for a few years. I hope that by sharing my own experiences with you all it will help, even if in the smallest of ways. I have certainly been grateful to read about or listen to others' experiences in life and allow their words to lift me up, inspire me, or learn something new from them. If I can do that for someone else it will be an honor.
As a Mom
You will also notice that I share my trials, tribulations, and joys as a mom. It is one hell of a ride folks! My son's doctor has diagnosed him with ADHD, and ODD (Oppositional Defiance Disorder), and he has challenges regulating his emotions. He is a beautifully complex person with a huge heart. Parenting him has not been easy and I have had to re-examine my own patterns, behaviors, and beliefs. I have also had to break cycles of parenting styles that my generation was brought up on (I was born in 1984) because they don't work for everyone. Those outdated parenting styles also create trauma and keep people from speaking up or asking questions when it is important to do so. I also believe in consequences and do not tolerate disrespectful behaviors - which can be tough to deal with when your kiddo has the diagnosis that my son has.

Photo by Sally Carpenter.
That is my introduction folks! Stay tuned to tales of my healing journey (you may just glean something form it), tales of motherhood, and my life's adventures! I'd love it if you came along.
Until next time...